BAD Announcement at SXSW

BAD Announcement at SXSW

BADCOIN just got a whole lot badder.

Here’s our big SXSW announcement at our “Hard Fork” event.

Watch the video… THEN go join the waitlist for the launch announcement on

Now would be a good time to locate your Bitshares wallet and keys like a good citizen of Bad Cryptopia.

Oh, and Stay Bad!



In July of 2017, Travis Wright and Joel Comm launched The Bad Crypto Podcast. And one of the fun things we decided to do was to create a coin on the Bitshares platform to give away to our fans as an incentive for engagement with our podcast. We gave away over 2 BILLION to our fans!

We eventually decided to stop sending out so much BADCOIN as it became chore to send out so much all the time. We wanted a better solution and a better blockchain to be developed.

In late 2018, Travis had the idea to make a blockchain that only BAD computers could use to mine. Joel liked the idea and we started researching how it could happen, and in late October, we ran into Marshall Long at World Crypto Con in Las Vegas.

We told Marshall the idea and he loved it! He also said that his team could do some really cool shit and make it happen.

Now, in the past 6 months, we have built a blockchain that can compete with any mineable virtual currency. It’s fast. It’s secure. It’s fair. Anyone can mine it. With the goal being that there will never be any whales who can run 1000s of computers on a network to monopolize the project.

This project will go live sometime in April… get your old computers ready!